Blue Box - the powerful IIoT Gateway

The Blue Box from Christ is an edge gateway with high compatibility and flexible, manufacturer-independent device connection.

The gateway is delivered with a Linux operating system and an integrated secure element as standard.

Depending on your requirements, the device offers 1 GB or 2 GB memory, and you can configure the gateway freely and use it flexibly.

Blue Box IIoT Gateway

Technical product features Gateway

  • IIoT Gateway for continuous industrial operation
  • Stable Linux Debian operating system
  • Secured data storage, release only to authorised persons (Secure Element)
  • Optional connectivity: access to Blue Box via Wifi, mobile phone (4G/5G), Bluetooth
  • 2x Ethernet, 2x USB 2.0, microUSB, RS232/485, 9x IOs

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Free advise

Blue Box IIoT Gateway

You are looking for an IIoT Gateway with high compatibility and manufacturer-independent device connection?

You are interested in predefined secure elements on the hardware side?

The Blue Box meets all these requirements.

Send us an inquiry - we will be happy to advise you.

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Performance Alternative IPC N3350 IIoT

If you need more power for your IIoT applications we offer you an alternative to the Blue Box. The IPC N3350 IIoT is suitable for use as an IPC, or as an IIoT Gateway.

As security is of particular importance in the area of Internet of Things and attacks by third parties must be prevented, this gateway is equipped with a TPM (=Trusted Platform Module). This adds basic security functions to the User Box PC. The advantage of the TPM is that it is hardware-bound, as opposed to user-bound. By using a compatible operating system and suitable software, a TC-Platform (=Trusted Computer Platform) is obtained.

The TPM can generate cryptographic keys, store them and control their use. Various certificates serve as proof of the trustworthiness of the computer system. These are all stored centrally on the TPM. Thus, even in this variant, your data is securely transmitted to the cloud.

Technical product features Gateway

  • IIoT Gateway or industrial PC for continuous industrial operation
  • Windows10 IIoT or Linux operating system
  • Security through TPM 2.0
  • 1x Ethernet, 2x USB 3.0, RS232/485, 1x Display Port