Fast and safe - complete solution for your IIoT project

With this complete package you can start your IIoT project easily and safely. By evaluating machine and process data, production processes can be optimised for increased efficiency, the careful use of resources and reduced downtime.

The Edge Gateway includes an integrated secure element and a personalised operating system. We use Yubi keys or special certificates for secure identification and authentication. Thus we protect the vulnerable interface between machine and network. Customer allocation, management and updating is carried out via an administration portal.

Through the Christ Cloud the collected data is evaluated and processed. In the cloud we provide various modules for your information evaluation as standard: Data Collector, Device Management, User Management, Report Service, Remote Service and Notification Service. To ensure that you receive exactly the visualisations that are relevant for your machines, we work closely with you in the development of the dashboards.

If the standardised Kubernetes basic modules are not sufficient, we will adapt customised modules to your requirements. In this way, you receive exactly the information that is relevant for you. The advantage for your customers in this system is the data sovereignty. Your customer can decide for himself which data you as a machine builder have access to. At the same time, the system can be maintained by an administrator who has no insight into the company data. This gives you a clear competitive advantage.

The REST API allows information from the database to be transferred to other systems for further processing. This way our system can either be easily integrated into internal systems or be the basis for the introduction of new structures.

IIoT blue Box Cloud

Optimize production through remote maintenance

With the help of Remote Service, Christ offers a service for remote maintenance of machines, connected via the standardised REST interface. In this way, problems or maintenance work can be carried out more quickly and efficiently. The connection is established using Virtual Network Computing (VNC). Due to the Remote Buffer Protocol, this system can be used cross-platform. With the help of an SSH tunnel, secure data transmission is guaranteed. Client authentication ensures that only authorised users can access the machine. With the help of the Remote Service, breakdowns can be reduced and the production processes optimised, which means a saving of time and resources.

Contact us!

Free advise

Complete solution for your IIoT project

With our complete solution you get perfectly matched components.

This will give you a particularly fast introduction to digitisation

Get all important information via self-defined dashboards

We support you all the way to implementation.

Send us an inquiry - we will be happy to advise you.

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Structure of the Christ IIoT system

We know what is important for the implementation of your IIoT project. With our expertise you can concentrate on your core processes, we do the rest.

Consulting services

  • Technology-independent consulting for your IIoT and digitisation project
  • Individual, interactive workshops to find solutions
  • Consulting on soft- and hardware topics
  • Development of concepts
  • Training in Cloud Technologies
IIoT Dashboard

IIoT Cloud Platform

  • Customisable and expandable modular system
  • Container-based Micro-Service Architecture (Kubernetes)
  • data sovereignty at the customer's site through hosting in the environment of your customers
  • Configurable Dashboards
  • Perfect integration with the Blue Box
  • Open residual interfaces for connection to external systems
  • Very good scalability

Development service

We implement your ideas.

  • Development of individual edge modules to connect your devices
  • Development of web applications, dashboards and mobile apps according to your needs
  • Connection from and to external systems
  • platform in your data centre or cloud of your choice
  • All about Software, Cloud and Industrial IoT

Your advantages at a glance

  • Expandability of the system
  • Data sovereignty with your customers through user administration
  • No hidden costs and full cost control
  • High scalability

Technical product advantages

  • IIoT Gateway for continuous industrial operation
  • Stable Linux Debian operating system
  • Secured data storage, release only to authorised persons (Secure Element), secured identity by initial insertion of the key pair into the hardware based Secure Element
  • Optional connectivity: access to Blue Box via Wifi, mobile phone (4G/5G), Bluetooth
  • 2x Ethernet, 2x USB 2.0, microUSB, RS232/485, 9x IOs
  • Remote updates via the Remote Update Client
  • Secure boot process (sealed manufacturer code)
  • Encrypted file system, only readable via predetermined accesses
  • Resource-saving, decentralised data processing through container technology (Docker-based edge computing)
  • Regular security updates on 4 different levels (security patches, OS packages, applications via docker, full image update with fallback function)
  • Monthly vulnerability report (CVE Reporting)
  • Secured connection between Edge Gateway and Exceet environment
  • Managed PKI, password-free configuration via smartphone and smart card using digital certificates
  • Continuous development of software components (Continuous Integration and Development Pipelines)
  • Fully customisable IIoT platform and Exceet environment
  • Driver for conversion of different PLC protocols
  • Visualisation of data from machines and plants via dashboards, which can be individually designed
  • Field bus connection OPC-UA, Profi net, etc.
  • Remote control of devices connected to the gateway (VNC/SHH)
  • Permanent condition monitoring of the machine; this enables predictive maintenance
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI/AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
  • Mobile Apps for the company
IIoT Blue Box Christ Cloud